Friday, November 2, 2012

Middle School

I just got into 7th grade and I really like it so far, but I'm not say its easy to be in 7th grade. Some kids can be mean but like my favorite verse in the bible say you have to pray for those people. What I really do not like about it is probably the drama. People will blame you for something you did not do are just not understanding and just coming up with excuses . For the kids out there that are going into middle school its not that scary of a place that it seems. You just need to focus on your school work not the kids that are acting like bully's. Be careful of the friends you choose because they could change on you. Don't try to hangout with the what you think is the cool crowd but is really not. Those kids just think their cool but can ignore you every chance you get, their not worth it. Remember......DON'T FALL INTO THE WRONG CROWD their not what they seem to be to you.

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